Success Stories
Imagine yourself in exciting careers such as these!

Akhilesh Bhangepatil
Senior Cyber Security Consultant, Deloitte
“When I reflect on my two years of graduate school at the University of Houston Information Security program, I can conclude that the experience not only made me better at cybersecurity but also prepared me in unpredictable ways for my career. The program has a unique and practical coursework which is a blend of project management and cybersecurity and is taught by highly experienced faculty – that bring their real-life experiences into their methods of instructing.
Now, years after graduating, it is difficult to remember specific grad-school eureka moments, but I do recall a sense of growing appreciation for the breadth of the program and its professors. Moreover, a large number of successful alumni and the ability to reach back to the faculty even today makes for an exceptional support system for me.”

Annie Jamshed
Security Operations Center Analyst, Schlumberger
“Masters in Information System Security equipped me with skills that I needed in order to enter the field of Cyber Security. I feel fortunate that I had the opportunity to learn from Professors like Dr. Chris Bronk, Dr. Art Conklin and Dr. Denise Kinsey who are knowledgeable, encouraging and supportive of the ideas that students bring to the table. Through their support, I had the opportunity of attend one of the biggest conferences for Women in Cyber Security, participate in Cyber Defense Competition and start our own student organization, Women in Cyber Security at University of Houston (WiCS UH). The knowledge and experience that I gained and the relationships I built at University of Houston paved my way for landing my dream job at Schlumberger and continue to benefit me to date.”

Vladimir Kartashov
Senior IT Auditor, CenterPoint Energy
“Graduating with a Master’s degree in Information Systems Security at the University of Houston provided me a tremendous variety of new skills and knowledge. In my opinion, every class, lab and research project were aimed to prepare us immediately for the “real world.” Completion of the program was not easy, but it was certainly rewarding, empowering and lifechanging.”

Anthony Moyegun
Advisory Consultant – Cyber Risk Services, Deloitte
““You are the Pride”! I thank the faculty and staff for re-affirming this legacy and showing through dedication and quality that my success story is their priority. The MS-ISS program offered an excellent blend of academia with real-world scenarios, and the research, teaching and networking opportunities empowered my professional pursuits. The program has been instrumental in sharpening my career. I’ve developed a mindset and attitude beyond professional knowledge and experience; gained an understanding of how to strategically decipher challenges, with necessary skills to articulate and pursue impactful causes in the cyberspace. I’m fully empowered for quests! I highly recommend the MS-ISS program to anyone that truly wants a fulfilling and impactful career with an opportunity to truly be the pride.”

Pablo Delgado
Senior Security Analyst, Stewart Title
“I was fortunate to have found the MS-ISS at the University of Houston. Being an UH alumni I wanted to further my education in an institution I already trusted and that provided a strong recognized Cyber Security Program.
The program provided an invaluable experience in terms of organizational leadership, research, and hands-on education that not only provided value to me as an individual, but allowed me to take those skills and improve my organization. I’m happy with my decision and would highly recommend this program for those seeking to further their careers in the Cyber Security space or organizational leadership.”

Sruthi Renudevan
Security Engineer, Apple
“I’m extremely proud to say that I graduated with Masters in Information Systems Security at the University of Houston. Excellence exists in the performance, and even more in the preparation. For my mini project, I was given a Belkin smart plug and asked to identify if it was secure. That opened the gate for research and improving my technical skills from which I shaped my career to be a Security Engineer at Apple.

Arjun Bhardwaj
Security Analyst, Schlumberger
“My two years at the University of Houston have taught me more than I could have asked for. I came to this college with a passion for security and a hunger for knowledge which was satiated by the dedicated faculty who not only introduced many different aspects of cybersecurity that I was unaware of but also helped me prepare for my career with their own real-world experiences.
I was fortunate enough to seek guidance from professors like Dr Wm. Arthur Conklin and Dr Chris Bronk, who gave me the opportunity to take part in the cyber defense competition and that was a major learning curve which helped me achieve a career I desired.
I will say this that the Information System Security Program is meticulously designed to meet the current industry requirements and this for sure will help students gain knowledge beyond the classroom walls. Thanks to all my professors for their guidance who have helped me shape up into the professional I am today in the industry I ever so desired.”